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Keep trying and trying

Sunday, August 27, 2006

There was once when Denise keller said she vomited after eaten meat,because she haven eat them for a long time.I thought she was talking crap.....until today........i don like eating meat also unless it is mince,fried or boneless and that only apply to fish and chicken,mince for pork.i haven taken meat for quite sometime because never had chance to pass by old chang kee so i can buy chicken nuggets there.So today my mum brought me to resturant order duck,lobster i actually dun wan to eat de but because expensive have to eat or else very waste the food.after the first round of duck meat,i almost died my tummy turn upside down very uncomftable,den cannot eat anymore becus tummy very xing ku.....when lobster come i ask my mum go eat with her friend i cannot take it le......now i feel like vomiting but i will try to stop it,i hate vomiting its like taking half ur life out....painful exprerience for me.
Pretty Pretty angel can you come find me?
Let me see you and feel really happy?
I feel so bored with nothing standing side by side with me
Not even mummy i feel she's away from me...
Can you tell her to stop being childish?
that she still have a child even though she is eighteen
And don't leave me in this boring world where there is only me....
i have no company except my mummy....
Pretty Pretty angel come find me...
let me see you again and be really happy
or let me find you,even if your half a globe away from me
i'll make it there....if i have money.

my story
9:40 AM

Saturday, August 26, 2006

haiya....so boring i wake up today try o do some homework,but i really NOT INTERESTED so here i am now online trying to do research but end up typing here...lol.Hai....i dont dare to go out at all because i want to finished my pathetic homework but i just duno how to do it at all.....so many entries all talk about homework i siao liao le....nevermind at the end of the day it will be done..eventually.HA finally fang fang is going clubbing with me next wed i ask her go so many times but she always play me out,i ask until i dun wan to ask liao...wonder if michelle is able to make it tat day?.Few days ago i ponder over my sec 3 wishlist that means i ws 15 years old den, i wish for alot of things including handphone with digital cam,contact lens which i have got it already and also some wish which i think will take a long time to come true....for example A GOOD COMPUTER WITH FAST SPEED AND EVERYTHING ,BEST IF CAN COME WITH A PERSON DAT CAN FIXED IT IF ITS SPOILT.....lol.And you know wat i actually wish for a new hair style den liao, i see like alot of people go cut their hai so style but no matter where i go and cut my hair from 10 bucks to 45 bucks the style come out all the same.......PLEASE RECOMMEND SOME SALON TAT HAVE GOOD HAIR STYLIST TO ME THANKS.What really funny was my last wish-----I WISH I HAVE WON TOTO SO ALL MY WISH WILL COME TRUE.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA stupid sia i can't belive i actually wrote that sometimes people when u feel bored go take a look at wat u have wrote in the past etc. compo or dairy i promise u ,u'll laugh till u choke sia lol.

my story
5:09 AM

Thursday, August 24, 2006

hai.....homework homework homework!!!! when can i finish them? i duno maybe another 10 years lol.Went clubbing on wenesday night at momo,seriously i think that day was the most enjoyable clubbing experience for me.That night music was great,you get free drinks,i dance happily,not to mention how much kilo i shed while doing all this.Ladies if you want to lose weight,dun go and run,dun go and swim.....GO AND DANCE!!!!!!.HAHAHAHAHA.When i 1st visit momo i really think tat place sux....because of the music the DJ tat night huh must be sleeping hope they fired him already.Lucky yesterday this never happen and i enjoy myself really well,think 7 glass of vodka,1 glass of beer if u don think tat is enjoying that dun go clubbing lol.If not my friend got drunk i think im going to party there till they close man but too bad,nevermind i have school the next day.Seriously i think my body is now use to it i sleep and 4 45am wake up at 10am just to do my crappy homework.....i now officialy call myself the SUPERWOMAN.......hai...really this Lasalle mix Olevels is killing me man......nevermind i can go through this.....by you know fail two thing together.......im quite piss off on wed morning actually, i had my bloodyOlevel oral tat day,tat bloody examiner dun let me talk keep on ask question whenever i full stop,he quickly cut in ask more question trying to rush things off faster,like really!even if im the last candinate u aslo must listen to all my crap first ma not wan to go home ma,stupid old man.......nevermind this is the last time im taking oral so who cares?and i'll add fuck them both.Lol i think i must quickly go edit my blog now put warnings like obscene language, enter at own risk,or above 18 den can view lol,because i think i can get sue if i didnt state properly lol.

Oh god 2007 Sinyi find this entry such a good topic but so bloody poorly written!!!!

my story
9:41 AM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

HA finally i found out how to post message into my blog liao~bloody michelle help me set up blog but duno how to post thing up here....DEN U HELP ME SET UP FOR WAT? lol juz kidding.Anyway if anyone is wondering why michelle was cursing up and down while setting up my blog is because......my com is a DAMNHOPELESS PIECE OF TRASH! and oh i just found out tat my windows xp is PIRATED! fuck tat person who help me set up my com in the 1st place i give u money you gimme crap if ur not my mom friend the son hor i surely go kill u by now.......fucker.Well so now i cannot download any programme into my com....windows will close it because they encounter watever problems there is......WING!!!!!!WHEN WILL U HELP ME FIXED MY DAMN COM????.....well just hope there will be no more additional problems den now.Today sunday mummy still need to work i stay at home slack.......so damn boring with piles of homework behind me and i still don't do it, really i think i can die at this rate of progress with my homework......well im retaking Olevels and studying at lasalle now, i siao right nothing better to do,i go and mixed up the worlds most important studies together.....great just great and u will get not doing anything at all....fuck.

my story
12:44 AM

Saturday, August 19, 2006

first entry here.....well intro to the person who did this for me, thanks michelle ng for helping me set this up and restarting my com for duno how many times and cursing like hell in my room not to mention electric bills running.........lol

my story
8:13 AM