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Keep trying and trying

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Since Eshiqa refuse to reply my message on msn i have nothing better to do but to type away here.....stupid woman you better be asleep not watching vcd or i'll kill you.....

Ya right suddenly remember this incident that happen around this few days....well im now out job hunting went orchard yesterday for walk in interviews and Wing called me.......asking me if i want to go Hong kong with her...........ya like i dun want to...........a fewmonths ago when i ask her if she want to go with me this holiday........she was not sure and made me gave up all hopes of going to Hong kong......now when im ready to go get myself a job and work hard......she have to to come tempt me woth Hong Kong....HONG KONG......HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OH GOD I LOVE THAT COUNTRY!!!!!why why WHY???? you ask me now ofcourse i can't go my mum certainly won't allow we are sooo freaking poor! for god sakes why do you think i need a job my bank account freaking have a hole in it haiz.....finally stomping out the idea of going to Hong Kong ever this year i sit back hime today waiting for calls to call me to work.....well one called but i think she gave up on ever hiring me because i cant start work on the 20th..........ya do that to me lady....well THEN Fang called me today......asking me.....if,i want,to,go,to,Hainan Island,to,her,beautiful,house,in,a,beautiful,country,at,a,low,very,low,price,.....................great just great............and i have to open my mouth to yet reject another beautiful holiday........TWICE,TWICE,TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FRIENDS DO NOT DO THIS TO ME!!!!! oh god wat the hell is wrong..............hiaz....ya right i reject the whole world to get a job but the job don't call me for god sake......haiz please call me babies!!!!!!or i'll have to look again!next tues....


my story
9:35 AM

haiz...im just so lazy to write blog every day well maybe i should quit writing? since there are only 2 people reading this??? haha then again i have a big mouth with no audience sooo i might as weel write it and force people to read it muhahahaaaaa.

i've just add comments at wei siong blog he is sooo going to kill me for writing crap there haha nevermind i have a big blog with no comments so Wei siong you are so welcome to scold me in my blog lolxxxxxx.

Well i went to watch Step Up a few days ago i think its great in terms of the dancing and music,thats how people work yo,thats the school they go to,Art school where a bunch of maniac work there with big dreams.....though in my school you dun really get to see dancers and musicians playing and dancing around they are at the other block away from the design blocks so your only lucky when they are willing to open their class room and play a few tunes for fun. Well there are concerts though so students studying there can still listen to them which is great yo...so far i went for one but i was very tired that day and they were doing Jazz i almost fell asleep and i left before i get beat up lolx.....looking forward to the next one i think im gonna stay in that school for good, i just love it too much to leave now lolxxx....

my story
9:04 AM

Sunday, November 12, 2006

i've been eating alot lately.........since the day when assesment was over i went stuffing myself with food none stop.......eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eatEAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT haizzzzz.....i've increase more weight than i lose......so sad have to start work all over again......lucky holiday now can start to work out liao.........haizzzzzz so guilty before writing this i was still munching Lays potato chips can die man........

Lately i lend Eshiqa the meteor garden1 vcd,and like all other girls who knows good stories she fell in love with it not to mention how much tears she shed.....she is probably sleeping now or..... still watching the vcd that crazy girl went and watch the vcd whole night till morning and went straight to work......what is wrong with her??????how to work not to mention she have 10 hours of work ahead of her SIAO! is what i call her........haiz recalled so many of the beautiful memories of meteor garden haiz i hope i can find the chinese version of the animation and lets Eshiqa see thats the better version man the taiwan version is nothing but nonsense change so many important parts of the story what e hell man!!!haiz people u shouldwait for my version im sure i can capture the true essence of the story.....hehehehe

hey people any went for the BIENNALE? i forgot to post that day up it was soooo funny ya maybe i'll post it next draft or people will complain how freaking long my blog is LOL.....

signing off-------kid with holiday busted------O_o?

my story
8:55 AM

Saturday, November 11, 2006

haiz.....sometimes i wonder if the term fail should be change to my name Sinyi instead because life for me now is just a total failure.....i retake my Os to passed, but yesterday i retook that subject to fail all over again....i went to art school and spent so much time and sleepless nights working just to find i fail again and have to retake all the subjects again......wat e hell is wrong? everything is wrong!!!!!! after november the 20th iwas suppose to enjoy life,get a job,get my car licence,get my motor licence,take up music lesson,take up dance lesson......but all these just vanish you know its all gone now i have to spent those precious time to do what? DO FUCKING ART! why do i have to do all this shit????i duno you know im sooooooo fucked up!!!!!,i just want to learn that fucking film course in that school why have to draw this draw that huh do what 3d forms huh? use wat fuck wires to do wat human head it makes no sense you know to work hard doing all this crap huh so wat if i can do all this shit huh?next year when i apply the fucking film course huh knowing nuts about it huh wat show them my fucking drawing as my portfolio?HUH DRAWING FOR FILM COURSE?????SIAO! like they going to accept me like that make no fucking sense you know never even let us learn anything fucking thing about video wat so ever so how am i suppose to do my port folio huh bloody GO SHOW THEM MY DRAWINGS LA siao people i hate em all all this just makes me hate drawing you know,they better BETTER acept me for the film course huh im gonna do all this shit drawings im telling u and i'll make sure make the fucking sure i get into that course if i fucking dont!I'LL BURN DOWN THAT SCHOOL,KILL A FEW LECTURERS AND RUN AWAY FROM TH COUNTRY(THIS IS ALL KIDDING DONT YOU PEOPLE EVER DARE TO SUE ME FOR THREATENING WATSOEVER!!!)Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! this world sux man,i sux man got to be so stupid huh cant even study for christ sake better of dead you know huh i this kind of people jolly well go and work at some place la earn like fucking 1k per month like that la don need to study la...Arghhhhh my future is just filled with more problems and no answers......AND I HAVE NO HOLIDAY NO REST TIME JUST WORK WORK WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

signing off.......HOLIDAY BUSTED KID 0_0?

my story
12:50 PM

Friday, November 03, 2006










Sinyi 2007 look at Sinyi 2006 writings and almost puke---this one in particular shows how childish she is.............

my story
7:31 AM

Hey introduce you guys to a song that can drive some people crazy check it out!

Tokyo Drift(fast and furious) by Teriyaki boys

I wonder if you know How they live in Tokyo If you see me then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift) [Repeat]

[Japanese verse]Rasha ii, omachito sama kenso mamiro konoma chinoenso dama tamama ichii do itsu eoi de sikayju miryu suruhudoni ko kana Japan, Ichiban Jump around sawchirono deban Teriyaki Boyz in the place to be he said intyaro kai in VIP

many many diamonds danglin Bag full of money we stranglin Hate me, fry me, bake me, try me All the above cuz you can't get in I don't want no puro buremu Because muy professional Make you, shake you, ketsu (Thank you!) Haters take it personal

[Japanese verse]like kakanada tai tets o now drop it on lets go now na nachima mai nimits o lets not chiki chima over wets go nets go tsuhilohilo over every color esgo esgol ju waktu chunai niikro new waksu itsukunai pingpoi

HI. Wakashteruya Boyz. ateyuma kitobas noise. manshij kitemas indaghe tow banow gazmo windemas beyshiku wasupplies de. majmanchika abunai te. ninjehu kenjahu dakido geisha all on the rocks say karanosha

Should see me in the parking lot 7-11 is the spot Fights with wings and shiny things And lions, tigers, bears, Oh my ride We're furious and fast Super sonic like JJ Phat An' we rock cuz the wheels are fly Can't be doubt with a baseball bat

like kakaru a kiyo koto sa matata in dey soki sayk yo ingosipta sh*to fokusai tekimatzailo kwanzai fola kwanza fara daka bumotosto dojidas score four points from far east coast to dosi sai watashi no kansito


ya, ichipa mayni chito kitong kitas hito aylam tobi tobida mueruyo sh*to bochi bochi na kuma nigi dasusu kochi kochi eh hito a puro do resow machu subetenu rekong mechakari mundantesha fu guchaw chan fast an furious

It's gotta be the shoes Gotta be the furs That's why ladies choose me All up in the news Cuz we so cute That's why we so huge Harajuku girls know how i feel They respect i keeps it real Not a Chinaman cuz I ain't from China man I am Japan man

[Girls Talking]You see him come and go out of the black Benz SLR. I wonder where he get that kind of money? Don't worry about it. Lets Go


PUrrrrrFect song to sing to the person u want to annoy!

my story
6:43 AM

Thursday, November 02, 2006

WELL FINALLY IM FREE FROM LASALLE!!!! for a short time....well at least thats something cant even come here and write when i got soooooo much to say!to who? i dont know! lol hahahahaha. Anyway got sooooo much to write here this pass few weeks but all i remember is.........tired didnt sleep work,tired didnt sleep work,tired didnt sleep work....lol but there is this one day that i remember it was one of those tired didnt sleep work days,on a thursday 19/10/06 start right off from 12am just finish struggling with photoshop,and was rushing the night to complete my essay,but when the moment isnt right u just cant write anything...so gave up on 3am and went to sleeep,only to find out in the morning i have overslept....woke up at 9 30am,have to carry on searching for facts for the essayand try to write it again till 11am force myself to get ready in 5 min and ran out of the house to attent my practical exam only to find yet again,the exam is starting late and u have to leave the place later and u could have spend more time at home writing ur essay......but instead u end up sleeping in class,people offering u milo,and bad dreams.....then wake up entering the exam lab with ur head half pounding due to sudden jerking awake........and den resulting to u acting crazy in the exam lab......for example actualy have the nerve to laugh there at the exam lab because the question was so easy that you should not have spent time studying at all,and have the guy infront of me risk of being caught cheating looking at me time to time like im some kind of wacko.........finally the exam ended i was laughing again while walking back home but stop when i reach home because my fucking essay was not finish yet and my drawing class have already started......finally finish everything by 3.30pm and have to take a cab down towards school,hand up my essay,steal 2 minutes to laugh at the dumb guy irritating the poor staff about how to write his essay title,steal 3 seconds to look at my beloved lecturer before heading up to my so very late drawing lesson....only to find god love me so much that i have miss the 1st part of the lesson my lecturer have used to scold lazy students like me......hahahahahahahaha sooooo lucky well lucky i turn up for the lesson learn a new techniqe to draw but still got commented by my teacher on how i draw my model eyes like she is drunk...she have to kill me some way or another.....finally finish class,steal 15 seconds to look at my beloved lecturer again then rush off to the car park to board a horning cab,swallowed half a packet of fried rice on the way...WAH THIS DAY SOOO LONG IM TIRED OF TYPING LIAO!....finally some peace when i reach esplanade...so tired when i reach there......half drain already.....then.....IT WAS THE MOMENT THAT IM TRYING TO TYPE HERE HALF AN HOUR AGO!.........when i entered the theater,that day was the day my beloved cousin was going to perform at a concert,although so much drama happend i manage to reach there alive and i was rewarded soooooooooooooooo much sooooooooooooooooo much sooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!i entered the concert thinking about wat kind of pesky kids was going to waste my night away,if not for my cousin i wouldnt even be there-----only to slap myself all the way home for thinking that way when i walk out of the theater---------IT WAS GREAT FREAKING GOOD NOTHING BUT GOOOOOOOOOODGOOOOODGOOOOOD......i sooo regret not bringing half of my school there to listen to them they were sooo good!!!!belive it or not i almost cried when my cousin finish the song...people reading wondering wat song? serve u right for not knowing it because u r not there lol thanks to my cousin im now a pesky fan of almost everyone of them at the concert lol so next time if u could get ur pesky hands on any of leeweisong school of music associated concerts u better get them or u'll regret!.......finally i finished this day by fainting in bed with a big smile on my face.....hahahahaha.

my story
9:49 AM

....................that day felt like a few years ago,that day, i really didnt want to step my foot into that area,that road,that.....place-----toapayoh..... Well the same feeling came again when i was force...by...myself................to walk towards KELANTAN RD,hate hate that place,hate hate that shop.....hate hate that man....hate HATE WIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my story
9:42 AM